Copy Mail Sent To or From a Mailbox

Using the events system, the system administrator can blind carbon copy (BCC) a user's sent and received messages to another email account. This ability is useful for both archiving and monitoring purposes.

Copying Received Mail
Follow these steps to automatically BCC all of a user's received messages:

  1. Log in as the system administrator.
  2. Click the Events icon.
  3. Click New In the navigation pane toolbar.
  4. Click New Event.
  5. In the Event Name field, type the name of the event.
  6. In the Event Category field, Click  Email.
  7. In the Event Type field, Click  Message Received.
  8. Click the From Address checkbox and type the user's email address in the corresponding field.
  9. Click the  Actions tab.
  10. Click Add Action.
  11. In the Action field, select Add Recipient.
  12. In the Maximum Frequency field, select None.
  13. In the Recipients field, type the email address to which messages should be forwarded.
  14. Click Save.

Copying Sent Mail
Follow these steps to automatically BCC all of a user's sent messages:

  1. Log in as the system administrator.
  2. Click the  Events icon.
  3. In the navigation pane toolbar, click New and select New Event.
  4. In the Name field, type the name of the event.
  5. In the Event Category field, select Email.
  6. In the Event Type field, select Message Sent.
  7. Select the From Address checkbox and type the user's email address in the corresponding field.
  8. Click the Actions tab.
  9. Click Add Action.
  10. In the Action field, select Add Recipient.
  11. In the Maximum Frequency field, select None.
  12. In the Recipients field, type the email address to which messages should be forwarded.
  13. Click Save.
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