Cleaning up lists to obtain permission to comply with POPIA

Due to the POPIA Act only allowing email marketing to existing customers or recipients that have given you permission to send them email first, you will have to obtain permission from any existing lists with clients where permission has not been obtained before. Ie You cannot keep sending them emails with the mindset "that if there is an unsubscribe link in the mail I can send to them until they unsubscribe" This will certainly land you up in hot water very quickly.

The other proviso is that you can only approach them once,  if they don't respond you delete their addresses for good. 

The other thing to look for is, make sure you don't have peoples email addresses in multiple lists, this single send applies to you as a company / person, not to each mail list.


  • We reccomend that all new lists be added to our bulk mail platform as unconfirmed, this can be done in one of 3 ways:
    1. Import new lists,  setting the  "* Mark as Confirmed: " option to "unconfirmed"
    2. Export out existing lists and re-import them setting the  "* Mark as Confirmed: " option to unconfirmed
    3. Click the list in question, click view contacts, select the checkboxes next to each email address, and then select the change to unconfirmed option, do this for each page of recipients (max 1000 at a time)

  • The next step would be to create an email campaign with your theming, we suggest you word the email as something like this :

We are making sure our bulk mailing lists are POPIA complaint, this requires that we obtain your permission to send emails to you.

Please click the below link to confirm your consent. If you do not confirm your email address you will stop receiving emails from us.

                                           I confirm my consent to be added to your mail list.   <<<" Select the words, click the insert link menu option, chain next to the anchor and enter %%confirmlink%% in the url field

  • The link needs to be selected and the insert/add link button in the editor clicked and %%confirmlink%% entered, this will generate the confirmation link for each user when sent out.
  • The next step would be to send this confirmation email out to each of your lists,  by selecting the filtering option " Who Do You Want to Send to? " - "Send an email to contacts who match my search criteria in the selected list(s) below". This will allow you to see the filtering page after you click next, you will need to select the " Confirmation Status: " option where you need to set it to "Unconfirmed". This will then select all the users in your list that are active and unconfirmed, to which you will send out a confirmation link email to.
  • Once the recipients receive the email and click on the links you will see the users mail account will become "confirmed", you then have a descision to make, export out the confirmed, active and unsubscribed users to a list and import them to a new list and then delete the old list, or the alternative is to delete the unconfirmed addresses from the list, this will leave you with less addresses, but they will all be people who want to receive your information.
  • Please note if you have existing lists with business partners/customers whom you do business with, you do not need to do this to those addresses, however this DOES NOT MEAN LISTS YOU HAVE PURCHASED OR OBTAINED FROM A THIRD PARTY PERSON OR BUSINESS. Those lists you will have to go through the above process to obtain permission.


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