How Do I FTP my website up to HostworX Servers with WSFTPPro

To upload your Website files using WS FTP Pro :


  1. Please open the WS FTP program from your desktop.
  2. You must first create a site account. Highlight the folder "MySites" on the left hand side. Click on the button.
  3. Enter a name for your site
  4. Enter the address of the server you wish to connect to  : Enter :   Click on the button.
  5. Enter your FTP Account information provided to you :   User Id: (your  Password: password sent to you in your
    welcome letter.  If you have changed your ftp username and / password then use the ones you have created.
  6. Once you have entered your FTP account information, click on the button. You have now created your  connection!
  7. You must now log into our servers. Open WS FTP pro and Highlight the site you just created.   Click on the button to the right hand side.
  8. You are now connected to your FTP account!
  9. Double click on the "wwwroot" folder located on the right-hand side so that the "wwwroot" directory is opened.
  10. From the left-hand side, you will need to locate your web files on your computer.
  11. Highlight all of the files you wish to upload and click the green arrow between the two panels to upload the pages to our server. You may also drag and drop them into an open area on the right-hand panel to upload the files into your "wwwroot" directory.
  12. Your files will upload to your site.  

    NOTE Please  name your homepage one of the following names

    • index.htm
    • index.html
    • index.asp
    • index.aspx
    • index.php (if using php)
    • default.htm
    • default.html
    • default.asp
    • default.aspx
    • default.php (if using php)

    These filenames are configured by default in the control panel to open automatically, if your homepage is something different then you will need to login to your control panel and add this under default documents.

    NOTE: To prevent your FTP connection from timing out we suggest that you configure your FTP client to use "passive mode": You can find the "Passive Mode" option in the Connection window, Advanced tab.


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