If you need to pay your invoice, you can pay using a number of payment methods.
- Log into http://support.HostworX.co.za with your username and password.
- Click on "My Invoices" in the upper right hand corner.
- Click on the invoice you wish to pay.
- Select either :
- "Credit Card" for a credit card payment
- "PayPal Checkout" for a one-time payment via paypal,
- "EFT - electronic transfer" option, with this you need to pay the invoice via EFT and fax or email the payment slip to the specified email address / fax number on the invoice.
- Debit order order needs to be setup, by clicking on "My Details" on the top menu, select debit order details (last option on right) from the menu shown, fill in the information and submit it, thereafter click on the "download mandate" link, sign the mandate form and fax it back to 086 6018613 or scan and email it to accounts@hostworx.co.za
*Note that if you use a one-time payment such as "PayPal Checkout" or "EFT" or "Credit Card" you will have to manually pay your invoice every month to avoid account suspension/termination.