Creating email Signatures for use with webmail

Creating email signatures is easy, should you wish to add an image to your email signature, will require an additional step, if you do not wish to use an image you can skip to section 2.

Section 1 : Uploading an image to your hosting account for use as an email signature.

1) If you do not know your ftp accounts password please follow these steps, else you can skip this step
  • Login to SolidCp by going to http://cp.yourowndomain (replace your domain name here)
  • Click on "FTP Accounts" and click on the ftp account (normally the domain name) and change the password
2) Open up your microsoft explorer window, NOT your internet explorer. ie "My computer" icon on desktop
  • Type in the address bar field ftp://ftp.yourowndomain (replace your domain name)
  • you will be prompted for your ftp username and password, once entered the folder will open for the website, you can now drop and drag the image to use into this folder to upload it. please ensure you know what the image filename is, make sure the image name has no spaces in the name.
  • once uploaded you can close this window.

3) Use the file manager to upload your files to the servers.
  • Login to SolidCp by going to http://cp.yourowndomain (replace your domain name here)
  • Click on filemanager and then select the folder of your domain > then select the wwwroot folder > and select the folder where you want to upload the image to, ie make a folder signatures ir use images. Browse for the file on your machine and click upload.

Section 2 : Adding a signature to your webmail account
  • Login to your webmail account, by going to http://webmail.yourowndomain (replace your domain name here)
  • Select the settings menu from the left side of the screen, (it looks like 2 gears)
  • Select the signatures sub menu option, and select the signatures tab
  • click add, and give the signature a name, ie Keith
  • Click the more button to open the advanced features
  • Enter the text you want as your signature
  • If you want to add an image you will need to edit the source code by clicking on the "Source" button.
  • You will see your signature but there will be additional text such as <div> etc DO NOT remove these.
  • You will need to add this line of code (marked in red) at the bottom, but you will have to change the url to your own domain,
    • <div><img src="http://www.yourowndomain/images/signaturexxx.jpg" alt=""/></div>
  • click the source button again and the image should be showing, if it isnt please check the actual image path again
  • goto the mappings tab and select the signature for your email account and save.


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