Here is how to archive in apple mail
1. Start Apple Mail
2. From the Mail menu select Mailbox > New Mailbox..., The "New Mailbox" window should now appear
3. For Location select "On My Mac"
4. For Name enter a name for your new local mailbox
5. Click OK and Your new mailbox should appear in the mailbox listing
Now move your mail to the local mailbox
1. Open the mailbox on the server that contains the message or messages you'd like to copy or move
2. Select the messages you wish to copy; to select all the messages in a mailbox use command-a ( - a)
3. ctrl-click on the highlighted messages to see a menu of options and select "Move To"
4. Then choose the folder you created in previously from the pop-up menu
5. Result: The messages you selected are copied to the folder on your local machine. If you have a lot of messages this could take a few minutes to complete.
By selecting "Move To" the messages will disappear from the mail server and will no longer count against your email quota.
Repeat the steps as needed to copy or move mail from multiple mailboxes on the server to your preferred set of mailboxes on your local machine.