If you are receiving the dreaded 500 error, you can follow the below temporary patches to display...
How to install a SSL Certificate on your website1) Login to the SolidCp control panel http://cp.yourowndomainname or...
Increasing various php limits in php for joomla wordpress and other hosting scriptsTo edit the server default settings for Wordpress and Joomla requirements as well as other php...
Install Wordpress on our servers using the web gallery. Step-By-StepInstalling wordpress on our servers is really fast and convenient, unfortunately Microsoft has...
Wordpress - Constant login loop Wordpress - Enabling Email Sending and SMTP authenticationTo enable sending mail via wordpress, you need to download and install one of the below wordpress...
Wordpress - Installing on our serversInstalling wordpress manually on our servers is easily done as below, alternatively see this...
Wordpress - Migrating between sites, servers and foldersWordpress saves certain parameters in the database which need to be modified if you move your...
Wordpress - Stop your site from getting hackedHow to Stop Your WordPress Blog Getting Hacked Un-beknownst to most people who set up a website,...
Wordpress - Thumbnails do not show when using an elegant themes themeFix | Thumbnails Not Working in a WordPress Theme From Elegant Themes On some web hosts,...
Wordpress error when updating plugins or upgradingWordpress since version 3.2 has been giving some clients issues, to resolve this problem, edit...